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		 	S T A N F O R D   U N I V E R S I T Y
			     Stanford, California 94305

Department of Computer Science				     Publications Office
							     (415) 497-4776

This is a supplemental listing to the Bibliography of Stanford Computer Science

			    Reports Announced During 1979

STAN-CS-79-701, Mitch L Model (Thesis), "Monitoring System Behavior in a Complex 
	Computational Environment", 189 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-702, Yossi Shiloach, "An O(n|cdIlog↑2I) Maximum-Flow Algorithm", 33 
	pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-703 (AD-A068 228), Bengt Aspval and Yossi Shiloach, "A Polynomial 
	Time Algorithm for Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities With Two 
	Variables Per Inequality", 25 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-704 (AD-A068 232), Roland A. Sweet, "A Survey of the State of Soft-
	ware for Partial Differential Equations", 31 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-705, Robert Lewis (Scot) Drysdale, III (Thesis), "Generalized Voronoi
	Diagrams and Geometric Searching", 196 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-706, F. Francis Yao, "Graph 2-Isomorphism is NP-Complete", 12 pages, 
	January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-707, Chris Van Wyk and Donald E. Knuth, "A Programming and Problem-
	Solving Seminar", 83 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-708, Andrew C. Yao, "An Analysis of a Memory Allocation Scheme for 
	Implementing Stacks", 18 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-78-709 (AD-A068 231), Mark R. Brown and Robert E. Tarjan, "Design and
	Analysis of a Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lines", 50 pages, 
	December 1978.  

STAN-CS-79-710 (AD-A068 210), Lloyd Trefethen, "Numerical Computation of the 
	Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation", 42 pages, 1979.  

STAN-CS-78-711, Tom Michael Mitchell (Thesis), "Version Spaces:  An Approach to 
	Concept Learning", 216 pages, December 1978.  

STAN-CS-79-712 (AD-A068 393), Donald E. Knuth, "The Errata of Computer Program-
	ming", 58 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-713, Gene Golub, Stephen Nash and Charles Van Loan, "A Hessenberg-
	Schur Method for the Problem AX + XB = C", 50 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-714 (CSL-TN-160), Fernando Castaneda, Frederick Chow, Peter Nye,
	Dan Sleator and Gio Wiederhold, "PCFORT:  A Fortran-to-Pcode Translator",
	January 1979.

STAN-CS-79-715 (CSL-TN-161), Brent T. Hailpern and Bruce L. Hitson, "S-1
	Architecture Manual", January 1979.

STAN-CS-79-716 (AIM-322), Michael Georgeff, "A Framework for Control in Produc-
	tion Systems", 35 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-717 (AIM-324), Robert Cartwright and John McCarthy, "Recursive 
	Programs as Functions in a First Order Theory", 32 pages, March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-718 (AIM-323), Shahid Mujtaba and Ron Goldman, "AL Users' Manual",
	136 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-719, Petter Bjorstad, Germund Dahlquist and Eric Grosse, "Extrapo-
	lation of Asymptotic Expansions by a Modified Aitken %Ad"↑2-Formula",
	54 pages, February 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-720, R. Glowinski, "On Grid Optimization for Boundary Value Problems",
	22 pages, February 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-721, Andrew C. Yao and F. Frances Yao, "On Fault-Tolerant Networks 
	for Sorting", 20 pages, February 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-722, Gio Wiederhold and Ramez El-Masri, "A Structural Model for Data-
	base Systems", 57 pages, March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-723, Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Buchanan and Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Knowledge Engineering for Medical Decision Making:  a review of computer-
	based clinical decision aids", 52 pages, February 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-724 (AIM-325), John McCarthy, "First Order Theories of Individual 
	Concepts and Propositions", 19 pages, March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-725 (AIM-326), John McCarthy, "Ascribing Mental Qualities to Machines",
	25 pages, March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-726, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, "An Analysis of (h,k,l)-Shellsort", 55 pages, 
	March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-727 (AIM-327), Robert Elliot Filman (Thesis), "The Interaction of 
	Observation and Inference", 235 pages, March 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-728, Yossi Shiloach, "Union-Member Algorithms for Non-Disjoint Sets",
	12 pages, January 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-729 (AD-A068 229), Robert Endre Tarjan, "A Unified Approach to Path 
	Problems", 43 pages, April 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-730, Frank M. Liang, "Qualifying Examinations in Computer Science, 
	1965-1978", 238 pages, August 1979.

STAN-CS-79-731 (PVG-11, AD-A071 900), D.C. Luckham, S.M. German F.W. von Henke, 
	R.A. Karp, P.W. Milne, D.C. Oppen, W. Polak, and W.L. Scherlis, 
	"Stanford PASCAL Verifier User Manual", April 1979.

STAN-CS-79-732, Donald R. Woods, "Notes on Introductory Combinatorics", 120 pages, 
	April 1979.

STAN-CS-79-733, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, "A Lower Bound to Finding Convex Hulls",
	22 pages, April 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-734, Robert Endre Tarjan, "Fast Algorithms for Solving Path Problems",
	49 pages, April 1979.  

STAN-CS-79-735, J. H. Wilkinson, "Kronecker's Canonical Form and the QZ Algorithm",
	23 pages, April 1979.

STAN-CS-79-736, J. H. Wilkinson, "Note on the Practical Significance of the 
	Drazin Inverse", 20 pages, April 1979.

STAN-CS-79-737, Andrew C. Yao and F. Frances Yao, "On the Average-case Complexity 
	of Selecting the k-th Best", 45 pages, April 1979.

STAN-CS-79-738 (SU326 P30-65), Randall LeVeque, Germund Dahlquist and Dan Andree,
	"Computations Related to G-Stability of Linear Multistep Methods", 27
	pages, May 1979.

STAN-CS-79-739 (HPP-79-14), J. R. Quinlan, "Induction Over Large Data Bases", 19
	pages, May 1979.

STAN-CS-79-740, R. S. Cartwright and D. C. Oppen, "The Logic of Aliasing", 24
	pages, May 1979.

STAN-CS-79-741, Lyle Harold Ramshaw (Thesis), "Formalizing the Analysis of Algor-
	ithms", 123 pages, June 1979.

STAN-CS-79-742 (HPP-79-12), Anne Gardner, "Handbook of Artificial Intelligence:  
	Search", 100 pages, June l979.

STAN-CS-79-743 (AIM-328), Juan Bulnes-Rozas (Thesis), "GOAL: A Goal Oriented 
	Command Language for Interactive Proof Construction", 175 pages, June 

STAN-CS-79-744 (CSL-TR-172), Hector Garcia-Molina (Thesis), "Performance of Update
	Algorithms for Replicated Data in a Distributed Database", 320 pages, 
	June 1979.

STAN-CS-79-745, Thomas Lengauer (Thesis), "Upper and Lower Bounds on Time-Space 
	Tradeoffs in a Pebble Game", 82 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-746, Alan Borning (Thesis), "ThingLab -- A Constraint-Oriented Simula-
	tion Laboratory", 109 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-747 (AIM-329), David E. Wilkins (Thesis), "Using Patterns and Plans 
	to Solve Problems and Control Search", 264 pages, June 1979.

STAN-CS-79-748, David Y. Y. Yun, "Fast Algorithms for Solving Toeplitz System of 
	Equations and Finding Rational Interpolants", 9 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-749 (HPP-79-17), William Clancey, James Bennett and Paul Cohen,
	"Applications-Oriented AI Research:  Education", 60 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-750, Peter Gacs and Laszlo Lovasz, "Khachian's Algorithm for Linear 
	Programming", 12 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-751 (AIM-330), Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli, "The Model Logic of Pro-
	grams", 36 pages, September 1979.

STAN-CS-79-752, Michael Lockhart Overton (Thesis), "Projected Lagrangian Algor-
	ithms for Nonlinear Minimax and l↓1 Optimization", 164 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-753, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, "Should Tables Be Sorted?", 36 pages, July 

STAN-CS-79-754 (HPP-79-21), Anne Gardner, James Davidson and Terry Winograd,
	"Natural Language Understanding", 100 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-755 (AIM-331), Elaine Kant (Thesis), "Efficiency Considerations in 
	Program Synthesis: A Knowledge-Based Approach", 160 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-756 (HPP-79-22), James S. Bennett, Bruce G. Buchanan, Paul R. Cohen
	and Fritz Fisher, "Applications-Oriented AI Research: Science and 
	Mathematics", 110 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-757 (HPP-79-23), Victor B. Clesielski, James S. Bennett and 
	Paul R. Cohen, "Applications-Oriented AI Research: Medicine", 40 pages, 
	July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-578 (HPP-79-24), Robert Elschlager and Jorge Phillips, "Automatic Pro-
	gramming", 100 pages, July 1979.

STAN-CS-79-759 (HPP-79-25), Alain Bonnet, "Schema-Shift Strategies for Understand-
	ing Structured Texts in Natural Language", 40 pages, July 1979.